Contribution to society through business and corporate activities
NTT DATA is committed to contributing to society through its business activities and to developing a sustainable society through its relationships with stakeholders.
cloud-based telemedicine solutions for medical institutions
Remote customer service by digital avatar contributes to labor savings and a digital shift in store experiences
AI-based diagnostic imaging providing integrated smart hospital solutions
Supporting the work of public institutions and advancing the DX of governments and other public organizations
Family account transaction monitoring services accessible finacial services for all family members
Personal data trust bank providing a platform to develop businesses
Blockchain technology helps improve the efficiency of trade operations
Using digital 3D maps to mitigate disasters and address many other social challenges
Supporting the future of the automotive industry "MSPF (mobility service platform)"
"Tele-ICU" system supporting imporvements in medical quality and work-style innovations for doctors
"Mitaka Data Center EAST" helping reduce enveronmental impact and realize a safe and secure social infrstructure
"BizXaaS Office" delivering work-style innovations and productivity improvements
"WinActor/WinDirector" saving labor and improving the work efficiency of routine tasks
"CAFIS Brain" ensuring the security of customer information and safe and secure Internet transactions
"OrigAMI" realizing sustainable procurement and the supply of safe water in Italy
Leveraging our core business strengths to provide opportunities for IT literacy and skills attainment to children, NPOs and local communities
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Using cloud-based telemedicine solutions to alleviate the burden on medical professionals
"ehCOS Remote Health" is a cloud-based telemedicine solution for medical institutions. By upgrading ehCOS Remote Health to include functions dedicated to COVID -19 and providing the solution free of charge in Europe and South America, we enable telemedicine to be used to treat patients with mild symptoms in their own homes. This helps alleviate the burden on medical institutions during the COVID pandemic.

Number of telemedicine solution users
More than 20,000
In response to the worldwide spread of COVID-19 infections, we are strengthening the solutions we provide to medical institutions with the aim of helping them streamline their operations. One of these solutions is ehCOS Remote Health, a cloud-based telemedicine solution for medical institutions developed by the everis Group, an overseas member of the NTT DATA Group.
The features of ehCOS Remote Health include a self-triage function (that displays self-triage results and advice when the patient inputs his/her symptoms from a mobile terminal), a remote monitoring support function (in which personnel from call centers and the like follow up while monitoring patient input data via the Web), a telemedicine function (for online meetings among healthcare professionals and online medical care meetings between healthcare professionals and patients) and a data analytics function (using data collected by the aforementioned functions, as well as external data).
As a result, mildly ill patients, who account for around 80% of COVID-19 infections, can use ehCOS Remote Health to monitor their symptoms and receive medical treatment while at home. This helps reduce the burden on medical institutions. The everis Group has upgraded the solution to include various functions dedicated to addressing COVID-19—such as self-triage, chatbot and data analytics—and provides the solution free of charge to all medical institutions wishing to use it.
We will continue stepping up efforts to resolve issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Remote customer service by digital avatar contributes to labor savings and a digital shift in store experiences
By creating digital stores that use avatars linked to the movements of operators to propose products remotely, we will realize a new way of serving customers during the COVID era and promote flexible work styles for employees.

Japan's workforce
20% decline
by 2040 expected*
- * Source : 2020 White Paper on Health, Labour and Welfare
In the retail sector, it is becoming increasingly diffcult to expand the number of physical stores due to Japan's declining workforce. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way customers and sellers communicate with each other on the sales floor. With these factors in mind, NTT DATA has partnered with TOKYU HANDS, a retail chain that specializes in home improvement and lifestyle products, to conduct field tests of digital stores that use avatars linked to the movements of operators to propose and promote products remotely. This enables us to offer new customer service options during the COVID era, unbound by the conventional assumption that equates "customer service" with "face-to-face contact."
In the field tests, we set up special avatar booths in five TOKYU HANDS stores in three cities, through which personnel with expert knowledge directed customers to products that meet their needs. The personnel are backed by avatars from the head offce, store back offces and homes. This arrangement enables customers to shop with more convenience and peace of mind, and realizes more flexible working styles for employees. It also uses an AI-based facial recognition function to visualize each customer's gender and age group, as well as emotion estimation data, conversation data and other information, with the aim of improving the quality of customer services. Based on the results of these field tests, NTT DATA will increase the number of digital stores with avatar booths and the range of customer service scenarios while using e-commerce sites to interface with customers in their homes. In these ways, we will embrace the challenge of using digital technology to transform the new customer service market.

Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Providing integrated smart hospital solutions with AI-based diagnostic imaging
To help lessen the burden on healthcare resources across APAC region by conducting Proof of Concept (PoC) of AI diagnostic imaging solution, which detect the suspected case of Covid-19 based on X-rays or CT scans, and to promote integrated smart hospital solutions at the same time.

The number of countries in APAC region PoC was provided for free :
10 countries
As of November 30, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic shows no signs of slowing down, the number of new infections in APAC, led by the Philippines and Indonesia, continues to increase.
Amid a global shortage of radiologists, who use medical images such as X-rays and CT scans to make diagnoses, NTT DATA has conducted a Proof of Concept (PoC) for AI-based diagnostic imaging in hospitals around the world. Recently, NTT DATA started offering the Covid-19 detection PoC for free of charge to more than 10 government/medical institutions across APAC with a newly added function of AI engine that can detect the suspected case of COVID-19 from X-rays and CT scans.
This solution highlights suspected lesions identified by AI on X-rays and CT scans and the identified content is automatically reflected on the diagnostic imaging report created by the radiologist to support the doctor's judgement. It enables to narrow down targets of sample collection, which help to strengthen medical systems and reduce the burden on doctors in each country.
PoC for AI diagnostic imaging solutions is being implemented in the Philippines and Indonesia.
Especially in the Philippines, together with Inter-Agency Task Force for a new infectious disease under the direct control of the President, PoC experiments in multiple cities and medical institutions are carried out.
In the future, NTT DATA aims to provide integrated smart hospital solutions with a view to linking them with telehealth solution and other solutions for home care patients.

The example of AI highlighting lesions from medical images and reflecting on the diagnostic report
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Supporting the work of public institutions and advancing the digital transformation (DX) of governments and other public organizations
The Digital Community Platform™ is a multi-cloud integration service we offer to public institutions engaged in DX. In addition to meeting operational quality, security and other requirements that benefit social infrastructure, it facilitates the selection and utilization of optimal public cloud services and contributes to civil servant productivity improvements and work-style innovations.

Realizing digital government
(target users by the end of fiscal 2024)
80 users
Digital transformation (DX) is expanding rapidly across government and other public organizations, evidenced by the planned establishment of the Japan Digital Agency in the fall of 2021. This has given rise to the "Cloud by Default Principle," which states that cloud services should be considered as the first choice when developing government information systems. This principle has spurred the development of various cloud services. Due to the wide variety of service delivery platforms and service content, however, selecting the most appropriate services has become problematic.
In response, NTT DATA offers its Digital Community Platform™, a multi-cloud integration service that enables the seamless, safe and secure use of various public cloud services. This service meets operational quality, security and other requirements that benefit social infrastructure as demanded by our public-sector clients, including governments and other public organizations.
In addition to migrating existing systems to the cloud, we provide a full range of cloud-based services that meet the needs of public institutions, including service selection, introduction and operation. We also offer an authentication linkage function, which allows existing user management systems to be deployed without modification, thus ensuring safe and secure use of various public cloud services. We will continue fostering DX among governments while supporting productivity improvements and work-style innovations for civil servants.

Notes :
- 1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a trademark of, Inc., and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries.
- 2. Microsoft and Azure are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Accessible financial services for all family members
NTT DATA offers family account transaction monitoring services for family members watching over the affairs of elderly relatives or young relatives living away from home. Under these services, a notification is sent to the family member via a smartphone app when the relative makes a bank account transaction. The services provide a supportive environment according to the cognitive abilities of those monitored, while offering independence by giving maximum respect to the wishes of the individuals.

Japan's aging society
By 2065
Approx.1of every2.6people will be age 65or older*
- * Source : 2020 White Paper on Aging Society (Summary Version)
In Japan, which has the highest per-capita aged population in the world, the number of people aged 65 and older is estimated to exceed 37 million by 2030. In particular, the number of elderly people with dementia is expected to reach 8 million, highlighting the urgent need for financial services that can address the decline in cognitive and judgment abilities of a large portion of the population.
To provide the financial solutions needed in such an aging society, NTT DATA offers its MyPallete® and AnserParaSOL® services, which help family members monitor the bank account transactions of their relatives. In addition to the elderly, these services can be applied to transactions of people in all generations, including students pursuing higher education away from home. When the user makes a deposit, withdrawal or other transaction at a financial institution, an ATM or via Internet banking, details of the transaction are sent to the family member via a smartphone app.
While keeping the "financial gerontology" perspective in mind, we will continue developing digital solutions that can be used in financial services tailored to the cognitive abilities of the elderly. Our aim is to build an environment that third parties can easily embrace while promoting the independence of users. We will also consider collaborating with various players, regardless of business type, to develop financial services befitting Japan's aging society.
Through these efforts, we will help realize a state of "financial inclusion" in which everyone can benefit from financial services.
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Contributing to the business development of "personal data trust banks"
When an individual agrees to provide his/her personal data and a company is authorized to utilize such data, that company is positioned to return the favor by offering products and services tailored to the individual's needs. By taking this "personal data trust bank" framework a step further, we are creating new value in society.

Safe and secure data distribution/utilization that respects privacy
Providing a platform to support personal data trust banks
When accessing various services, do you fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions associated with those services? Do you know exactly the companies to which you have provided your personal data, including those with terms you have agreed to in the past?
A personal data trust bank is a framework in which individuals provide data to companies, having decided which companies are suitable and the purposes for which the information will be used. In return, the companies use the data to oer benefits in the form of services and products tailored to the individuals.
In the case of fitness clubs, for example, advances in personal data trust banks will enable companies to oer comprehensive wellness programs tailored to each individual based on personal data. A typical program would cover not only training content and frequency but also daily steps, sleeping hours, diet and health checkup results.
NTT DATA oers My Information Tracer™ ("mint") as a platform to support the personal data trust bank framework and takes responsibility for the distribution of personal data. We also aim to put into practical use a consent management service that enables individuals to control their personal data. In addition, we have established a consortium of companies from various industries, including finance, telecommunications, logistics and infrastructure, to consider new services that utilize personal data. We will continue creating new value in society by encouraging the evolution of personal data trust banks.

Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Blockchain technology helps improve the efficiency of trade operations
TradeWaltz® is a trade data sharing platform that uses blockchain technology to allow trade documents to be stored as reusable structured data. This ensures the authenticity and transparency of trade documents, and dramatically improves eciency by digitalizing administrative procedures.

Streamline administrative procedures for trade operations
Compared to existing systems
Up to 50% reduction
Trading operations entail the flow of all kinds of goods and require many manual operations based on paper documents during transactions. Such operations, which includes the transcribing of documents and the checking of consistency, incurs significant costs. In addition, as multiple parties are involved in transactions across countries, the creation of a system for the accurate and safe transfer of information has been a common challenge that transcends industry boundaries.
To address these challenges, NTT DATA has led a cross-industry consortium since 2017 with 18 trading-related companies from varying industries, including trading, banking, insurance, and shipping. Members have examined how to improve the effciency and safety of trade operations using digital technology, and conducted Proofs of Concept (PoC) both in Japan and ASEAN countries.
In 2020, NTT DATA started full-scale operation of TradeWaltz®. In October 2020, seven Japanese companies—NTT DATA Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, Toyota Tsusho Corporation, Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd., Kanematsu Corporation and Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.—agreed to jointly invest in a company managing the platform.
Customers introducing TradeWaltz® can cut their workload by up to 50% compared to existing methods. This includes large-scale cuts in trade-related paperwork and contactless electronic data exchange, all in response to COVID-19.
In the future, we will aim for 100% digitalization of trade documents while helping realize safer, more secure, and more effcient trade transactions.

Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Using digital 3D maps to mitigate disasters and address many other social challenges
Our high-definition AW3D® global digital 3D map is based on the world's highest-performance satellite imaging data and image processing technology. By facilitating simulations of urban development, plant construction, disaster prevention and response, and forest and green space management, it contributes to the resolution of various social challenges.

Number of projects
More than 130 countries
More than 2,000 projects
AW3D®, provided by NTT DATA in collaboration with the Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan, is based on the world's highest-performance satellite imaging data and image processing technology. In e ect, it is a "digital 3D map of the entire world."
The speed and newness of the 3D data, which is provided in the form of images and extracted information with 2.5-meter maximum resolution, makes AW3D® a viable alternative to aerial surveys and field surveys. Using AI to analyze images makes it possible to extract information on buildings and other geological features and monitor changes over time.
Since its launch in 2014, AW3D® has been used in more than 2,000 projects in over 130 countries around the world. Its fields of deployment include urban development, agriculture, plant construction and facility management, airports and harbors, electric power, roads and railroads, disaster prevention and response, and forest and green space management. For example, it is used to simulate radio-wave propagation to facilitate 5G base station design and as a map for automatic driving. It is also used to benefit the construction of wind power plants, specifically by helping predict wind flows from surrounding topography. Other uses include the simulation of rainwater outflows and landslides from mountains caused by heavy rains. In addition, AW3D® is used to gain an understanding of sewage flow channels, which helps clarify polio transmission routes in developing countries. In these and other ways, it contributes to the resolution of global social issues.
Communication infrastructure development
Disaster simulation
High-precision map for autonomous driving
3D data of high-rise buildings (Tokyo)
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
MSPF (mobility service platform) : Supporting the future of the automotive industry
We have formed a business alliance with Toyota Connected Corporation, through which we are integrating Toyota's know-how in the service business for connected cars with NTT DATA's global IT resources. In this way, we will foster the creation of a prosperous and exciting mobility service business in the automotive industry, which is undergoing major transformation spurred by advances in CASE and MaaS.

Number of "connected" Toyota vehicles in Japan (by 2025)
5 million (target)
With the rapid progress of innovative technologies, such as cloud services, big data, AI and IoT, the automotive industry is undergoing a major "once in a century" transformation driven by advances in CASE1 and MaaS2. In these changing times, Toyota Motor Corporation is promoting its "Connected Strategy."
Under the strategy, Toyota Connected is spearheading development of the "Mobility Service Platform (MSPF)," an information platform that supports Toyota's MaaS vision.
NTT DATA entered a business alliance with Toyota Connected in April 2020. Under the alliance, we are combining Toyota Connected's know-how in the service business for connected cars with NTT DATA's global IT resources and cutting-edge technology deployment expertise. Together, we are working to develop a stronger MSPF and strengthen our ability to address and utilize the expanding volume of vehicle-related big data.
In addition, we will emphasize collaborative development and personnel exchanges between Toyota Connected and our core mobility service business, with the aim of strengthening systems for providing high-quality global mobility services.
By sharing mechanisms, services and values that support the next-generation society, Toyota Connected and NTT DATA will deploy their jointly created services to help build a prosperous and exciting mobility society.

- 1. CASE : Connected, Autonomous/automated, Shared, Electric
- 2. MaaS : Mobility as a Service
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Tele-ICU system : Supporting improvements in medical quality and work-style innovations for doctors
"Tele-ICU" is a remote intensive care unit (ICU) system that connects the ICUs of multiple hospitals with a support center staed by intensive care specialists in order to share patient vital information, real-time images, electronic medical records and so on. Through Tele-ICU, we are supporting improvements in medical quality and work-style innovations for doctors.

Intensive care units (ICUs) need to be robust and operate effectively around the clock. While there are around 17,000 ICU beds throughout Japan, there is a shortage of intensive care specialists, numbering only 1,850. In some medical institutions, surgeons and internal medicine doctors are forced to treat critically ill patients even at night, leading to longer working hours and increased mental burden on doctors.
To address these issues, NTT DATA offers "Tele-ICU," a remote ICU system, in collaboration with Yokohama City University. Tele-ICU is a network that connects a support center staffed by resident intensive care specialists with the ICUs of multiple medical institutions, enabling the sharing of patient vital information, real-time images and electronic medical records. Specialists at the support center monitor patient information in real time and provide remote support for medical treatment by doctors in each institution. In October 2020, we established a support center in a hospital attached to Yokohama City University, with support from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Yokohama City Medical Bureau. The center coordinates a network of around 40 ICU beds at partner facilities in Yokohama City.
We will continue working to improve the quality of medical care and reduce the burden on doctors by expanding the network linked to Tele-ICU and upgrading its functions. As Tele-ICU also helps reduce physical contact between people, we will further broaden its application with a view to preventing infections of medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Mitaka Data Center EAST : Helping reduce environmental impact and realize a safe and secure social infrastructure
Our Mitaka Data Center EAST maximizes consideration of the environment and supports mission-critical backbone systems that underpin our customers' digital transformation (DX) e orts while helping to build a safe and secure social infrastructure. It is also equipped with one of the largest and most advanced environmental performance systems in Japan and was the first data center in the nation to receive Gold Certification under the U.S. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system.

Annual CO2 reduction effect from using solar panels (FY2019 result)
16,813 kg
Featuring the largest and most advanced equipment in Japan, Mitaka Data Center EAST brings together know-how amassed by NTT DATA in the construction and operation of numerous systems and data center facilities. It also incorporates AI, IoT and other advanced technologies and functions as an innovative service center that helps customers implement their DX strategies.
With a total floor area of around 38,000 m2 (accommodating about 5,600 server racks), it is one of the largest dedicated data center buildings in Japan. Although the building can manage a heavy power load, it is environmentally friendly and takes advantage of clean energy options, which include wall-mounted air conditioning that enables outside air cooling, natural lighting in common areas and a solar panel power supply.
In September 2018, Mitaka Data Center EAST became the first facility in Japan to receive Gold Certification in the data center category under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system overseen by the U.S. Green Building Council.
To minimize the impact of environmental challenges, the center features an energy-effcient operational design and is in an area where the risk of floods, earthquakes and other disasters is extremely low. Its building structure is also earthquake proof, capable of withstanding big earthquakes (with a seismic intensity of 6 to 7). In addition, it is equipped with enhanced disaster-recovery functions, with power supplied by multiple substations and an emergency generator installed.
Mitaka Data Center EAST reflects NTT DATA's commitment to the environment. It supports mission-critical backbone systems that underpin our customers' DX efforts while helping to build a safe and secure social infrastructure.
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
BizXaaS Office® : Delivering work-style innovations and productivity improvements

Number of users (as of July 31, 2020)
More than 150 companies
NTT DATA promotes diverse work styles and strives to improve the productivity of its own employees by incorporating innovative working arrangements using digital technologies. These eorts have enabled us to amass expertise related to work-style innovations, which we leverage to provide services for customers.
BizXaaS Offce® is a cloud-based platform that provides the offce environment necessary for basic business operations and can be accessed from a variety of internal and external devices. To address the growing use of cloud services and the urgent need for cybersecurity measures, we have added services to our lineup that enable companies to manage security when using cloud services. More than 150 companies were using the service as of July 31, 2020. The system provides the same level of security as a physical offce environment. In addition to eliminating restrictions on where people can work, it is expected to stimulate communication between teams and organizations through web conferencing and the like. Accordingly, it facilitates teleworking arrangements and work-style innovations and fosters improvements in productivity and employee engagement.

Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
WinActor®*/WinDirector® : Saving labor and improving the work efficiency of routine tasks
- * WinActor® is a registered trademark of NTT Advanced Technology Corporation.

Number of companies adopting the system (as of September 30, 2020)
3,300 companies
Considering labor shortages and other social issues, there is an increasing need for companies in various industries to enhance routine tasks through labor saving and improvements in effciency and quality, in order to assign human resources to higher-value-added areas.
In response, NTT DATA offers a software robot-based solution called WinActor®*/ WinDirector® that was born from the research technology and know-how of the NTT Group. This solution allows numerous applications that can be operated on Windows terminals to be automated. It also improves productivity by reducing the processes and costs required for routine work and preventing and reducing human error caused by inputting mistakes and the like.
More than 3,300 customers were using the solution as of September 30, 2020. We are utilizing it to promote digital transformation both inside and outside the
Company, including by establishing a WinActor information portal for in-house tasks and a WinActor user forum for external users.
NTT DATA will continue fostering productivity improvements, cost reductions and work-style innovations in its quest to realize an unprecedentedly smart society.
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
CAFIS Brain : Ensuring the security of customer information and safe and secure Internet transactions
As an advanced security company, NTT DATA offers CAFIS Brain, a high-precision cloud service that detects fraudulent transactions and unauthorized logins. This service helps ensure safe and secure Internet transactions for customers, as well as reduced system construction and operation workloads.

Deterring fraudulent credit card transactions in Japan
Damage caused by fraudulent use (2019)*
¥27.38 billion
- * Source : Japanese Credit Statistics (2019 Edition), Japan Consumer Credit Association
Recent years have seen an increase in cyberattacks on information systems, including through unauthorized Internet access and targeted internal attacks using malware. Among them, fraudulent transactions conducted through online "spoofing"—using personal information illegally acquired through information leakage and/or phishing—have become particularly sophisticated. With the increasing number of Internet transactions and use of smartphone payments, security measures against unauthorized transactions and logins are urgently needed.
In response, NTT DATA offers CAFIS Brain, a cloud-based service that detects fraudulent transactions with high accuracy. It does this by extracting information on terminals (personal computers, smartphones and the like) operated by end users and performing attribute/behavioral analysis in conjunction with analyses of transaction information.
This service utilizes NTT DATA's high-security data center to reduce customers' system construction and operation workloads. In addition to providing high security, it helps minimize damages stemming from fraudulent transactions and ensure safe and secure Internet transactions, enabling customers to expand their businesses more effciently.
Seeking to remain a partner that customers can trust, we are striving to fulfill our responsibilities as an advanced security company committed to both ensuring information security and actively utilizing and sharing information.

Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
origAMI : Realizing sustainable procurement and the supply of safe water in Italy
NTT DATA has developed origAMI, a smart water management system that handles the modeling, monitoring and control of water distribution systems. By integrating this with our own IoT technology, we can appropriately manage limited water resources and continuously procure and deliver supplies of safe water.

Percentage of water for which charges cannot be collected due to water leakage or theft
(non-revenue water rate)
Up to 40%
In Italy, pipes and other water facilities have deteriorated to such an extent that the ratio of water for which fees cannot be collected due to water leakage or theft (non-revenue water rate) has reached as high as 40%. Accordingly, appropriate management of limited water resources has become an urgent social issue in that nation.
In response, NTT DATA Italia, a subsidiary of NTT DATA, started research into IoT-based smart water management systems in 2016. Following a series of hackathons, where multiple in-house engineers gathered to exchange opinions and ideas, it developed origAMI, a unique smart water management system that handles the modeling, monitoring and control of water distribution systems. The origAMI system enables centralized management of water distribution–related operations, including water consumption measurement and billing automation, as well as detection and monitoring of chlorine and contaminants and water pipe facility maintenance support. It is a comprehensive management tool for water distribution system designers, operational managers and end users.
Securing and supplying safe water is an environmental issue that needs to be addressed globally. For this reason, we expect demand for systems like origAMI to continue to grow. NTT DATA will seek to expand origAMI globally through collaboration with local and global partners with the aim of contributing to the procurement and supply of safe water.

- * DMA (District Metered Area) is a discrete area of a water distribution network. DMAs, also called sectorization, is one of the most promising methods of improving the water supply qualitatively and quantitatively.
Contributing to
society through business
Contributing to
society through
corporate activities
Leveraging our core business strengths to provide opportunities for IT literacy and skills attainment to children, NPOs and local communities
NTT DATA promotes IT education for next-generation children and NPOs/NGOs tackling social issues. Using the collaborative experience gained through these activities, we will systematically increase our sensitivity to and understanding of social challenges, which will lead to the creation of businesses that address such challenges.

Number of participants scheduled to attend NTT DATA Academia (FY2020)
More than 3,000
NTT DATA has designated "promotion of IT education" as a central theme in its social contribution activities to be undertaken globally. As an IT education program for children, we are rolling out NTT DATA Academia, an online programming event for elementary school students and their parents. In fiscal 2020, 13 companies of the NTT DATA Group joined forces to establish brand messages aimed at helping resolve regional and social issues and encouraging children's growth : "Stay close to local children," "Foster children's inquisitiveness about IT and society" and "Foster children's ability to take independent action through IT experiences." The curriculum, which will be provided to more than 3,000 students, reflects our emphasis on "Quality Education" (one of the SDGs adopted by the United Nations), as well as overall STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) education linked to IT.
NTT DATA Academia website
(Japanese version only)

NTT DATA Academia (online format)
NTT DATA also participates in the Social Technology Offcer (STO) Creation Project, which aims to help NPOs/NGOs
improve their ability to solve social issues through IT. (An STO is a person who advises NPOs/NGOs on the use of
IT from a management perspective.) This project was launched by the Japan NPO Center, Code for Japan and ETIC.,
and we support it through subsidies for activity expenses and employee pro bono volunteer activities aimed at
developing STO human resources.
Our overseas Group companies also actively engage in IT education programs targeting children and NPOs/NGOs
based on the circumstances of their respective countries.
At NTT DATA, we believe it is important for employees to participate in social contribution activities and thus
gain the experience of collaborating with NPOs/NGOs that tackle social issues daily. Such collaborative
experiences will enhance employees' ability to design solutions to problems and discern where IT can be
useful.Through these ongoing eorts, we will maintain our quest to create numerous social problem-solving
STO Creation Project website
(Japanese version only)

STO brochure