NTT DATA Design Network reinforces company’s global expertise in UX and service design business

NTT DATA Design Network reinforces company’s global expertise in UX and service design business

June 12, 2020
NTT DATA Corporation

Tokyo, June 12, 2020 – NTT DATA, a leading IT services provider, today announced the official launch of its NTT DATA Design Network. While the company has long utilized its 16 global design studios1 and large workforce of dedicated designers, the formal establishment of the network builds upon the company's expertise in service design by strengthening its ability to quickly, cohesively and consistently deliver solutions to clients.

In addition to the Design Network, NTT DATA is introducing a new community of designers in several markets, including UK, Germany, Italy and Tokyo. With the brand Tangity (designed by designers, for designers), this group is chartered to enable effective and efficient collaboration between the company's design network studios and third-party companies to create products and services with a positive impact on humanity.

The NTT DATA Design Network and its community of designers are focused on driving an integrated development of services while continuing to build design capabilities that will increase scale and excellence of delivery.

NTT DATA plans to train and develop around 700 UX/UI2 designers during fiscal 2020, and further strengthen its service design business.

NTT DATA Design Network



1. Design Studios provide seamless experience for all aspects of a digital business, from planning to prototyping and beyond. NTT DATA currently has 16 locations, in Tokyo, Milan Rome, Venice, Madrid (two locations), Barcelona (two locations), London, Munich, Dallas, San Paolo (two locations), Santiago, Lima and Shanghai.

2. UX/UI designers: UX (universal experience) refers to the experience and feeling a user has by using the product or service. UI (user interface) is the contact a user feels when using a product or service.

* “Tangity” is a trademark of NTT DATA Corporation in Japan and other countries.

* Other names of products, companies, and organizations are trademarks or registered trademarks of those companies.


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