Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1)

Direct GHG (Scope 1) Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Our target for FY2023
Total direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) t-CO2e 7,241 9,613 14,018 39,507 49,476
Data coverage (Revenues) % 100% 100% 100% 100%

Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 2)

Indirect GHG (Scope 2) Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Our target for FY2023
Location-based t-CO2e 170,807 165,748 165,792 665,870 670,304
Data coverage (Revenues) % 100% 100% 100% 100%
Market-based t-CO2e 155,165 130,066 83,912 307,009 410,972
Data coverage (Revenues) % 100% 100% 100% 100%

Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 3)

Indirect GHG (Scope 3) Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Our target for FY2023
Total indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) t-CO2e 1,671,259 2,032,993 1,837,925 5,011,794 7,448,966
Scope 3 Category Unit FY2023
1. Purchased goods and services t-CO2e 2,185,193
2. Capital goods t-CO2e 665,310
3. Fuel-and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2) t-CO2e 445,271
4. Upstream transportation and distribution t-CO2e 52,411
5. Waste generated in operations t-CO2e 2,709
6. Business travel t-CO2e 120,118
7. Employee commuting t-CO2e 62,206
8. Upstream leased assets t-CO2e 0
9. Downstream transportation and distribution t-CO2e 0
10. Processing of sold products t-CO2e 0
11. Use of sold products t-CO2e 343,012
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2e 41,332
13. Downstream leased assets t-CO2e 1,091,178
14. Franchises t-CO2e 0
15. Investments t-CO2e 3,052


Total energy consumption Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Our target for FY2023
Total nonrenewable energy consumption MWh 581,545 314,039 225,972 803,528 857,333
Total renewable energy MWh 59,938 92,077 187,028 770,784
Data coverage (Revenues) % 100% 100% 100% 100%


Water Consumption Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
A. Water withdrawal
(excluding saltwater)
million cubic meters 0.86 0.93 0.48 2.10
B. Water discharge
(excluding saltwater)
million cubic meters 0.32 0.73
Total net fresh water consumption
million cubic meters 0.16 1.37
Data coverage (Revenue for FY2020-2022, Floor space for FY2023) % 87% 95% 88% 95%
  • * We disclose the details of net fresh water consumption and water discharge from FY2022 and beyond (prior to FY2021, water withdrawal data only).


Waste Disposal Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Our target for FY2023
Total waste reused/recycled metric tonnes 2,656 4,220 3,166 3,495
Total waste disposed metric tonnes 1,604 969 1,590 3,885 3,226
Total waste landfiled metric tonnes 733 40 229 832
Total waste incinerated with energy recovery metric tonnes 739 912 1,181 795
Total waste incinerated without energy recovery metric tonnes 132 17 18 305
Total waste treated by other method
metric tonnes 0 0 162 16
Total waste treated by unknown method metric tonnes 0 0 0 1,937
Data coverage (Revenue for FY2020-2022, Floor space for FY2023) % 72% 88% 94% 79%
  • *Starting from FY2023 this fiscal year, input values are based on actual performance values from the active facilities and no estimates are used. As for the targets, since a unified target has not been established yet, we are setting targets based on partial application.

Data Center Efficiency

Data Center Efficiency Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Our target for FY2023
Average PUE 1.62 1.69 1.72 1.51 1.72
Data coverage (Use of DC power by machines and equipment) % 60% 64% 99% 99.9%

Share of Renewable Energy in Data Centers

Data Center Energy Usage Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Our target for FY2023
Total energy used in data centers MWh 449,135 347,399 312,832 1,361,857
Percentage of renewable energy (of total energy) % 13% 39% 57% 51% 38%

Climate-Related Scenario Analysis

We use below scenario types for climate-related scenario analysis. For details of analysis, please refer to our Sustainability Report Data Book.

Transition Scenario IEA NZE 2050
Physical Scenario SSP1 1.9
SSP5 8.5

Verification of Environmental Programs

Unit FY2023
Coverage of EMS verified through ISO 14001 % 46%
Coverage of internal audit % 5%
Total % 51%

NTT DATA plans to further grow its global business outside Japan and have combined the overseas business of NTT, Inc. into the NTT DATA group's overseas business in October 2022.

The data related to the overseas business of NTT, Inc. was not included in our data coverage for FY2022 but is included for FY2023.
Therefore, some FY2023 data is increased compared to FY2022.