NTT DATA Photo Grand Prix 2022
NTT DATA Photo Grand Prix is an annual photo contest for all of the NTT DATA Group's 150,000 employees worldwide.
This event aims at "One NTT DATA", uniting employees with different languages, cultures and backgrounds through a universal communication tool - "photographs".
For photo contest 2022, we set two categories: "The Theme, Your Sustainable Future" and "My Valuable Things."
Hear the wind pass
Sometimes I hear the wind pass; and just hearing the wind pass, it's worth having been born, Fernando Pessoa.
the end of summer
Sparkling fireworks which tell the end of summer.
My sons and dog sitting on the grass quietly engrossed by a tractor driving past in a field. They sat here for ages, watching the tractor go up and down scarifying the grass.
We are on the SKY
This photo was shoot from field of my village. At the time to taken, some crops are harvest at night with a little light. Night is very quiet except of harvesting.
Laugh out loud
In life and at work, it is inevitable that we will encounter unpleasant things. If you laugh out loud thinking about what you hold dear, everything will pass.
Sunrise over rice field
The beauty of the rice field lies in the patience of the earth and her ability to transform, grow and speak with words without speaking.
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