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Leticia Lastra Moro

Senior Manager – Consumer & Travel sector

United Kingdom

Leticia Lastra Moro is originally from Spain and currently lives in her adopted city of London in the UK. She has been a member of the NTT DATA family since 2015, starting out first in Madrid before moving to London in 2019. She loves exploring the city because of all the cultural aspects including art exhibitions, history, and the diversity London offers. She is currently working as a Senior Manager in the Industry team, providing business and management consulting for clients in the automotive sector.

Opening doors and creating wonderful work and life journeys.

Tell us about an interesting project.

One of the most memorable projects I worked on was regarding an Auto Mobility service which we consulted on for an automotive company in the UK. The client wanted to launch a new subscription service and our task was to help them define the product while taking into consideration the impact it would have in different areas of the company. My role was to manage and oversee the delivery of the project, and to provide guidelines to the rest of the team based on my experience working on related projects in the industry.

There were a few key areas to the workstream that I oversaw. The first was the product definition for everything from operations or legal requirements to customer experience. Another was to scope out the operating model that would deliver the product to the customer successfully. This project was exciting and personally rewarding because the end product is tangible, and it contributes to the current transformation of the automotive industry.

Describe a regular working day.

It might sound like a cliché, but no two days are alike for me, so I’m positively challenged whether it is in direct communication with the client, getting hands-on in a project and working with my team. On the other hand, whether I work at home or in the office makes no real difference and we have adapted very well to the new working model.

I see myself as the person responsible for making sure my team, on whichever project I’m working, is challenged and that everyone feels supported enough to be happy, content in their work and positive about their contribution.

Why do you like life at NTT DATA?

For me, it is about the growth opportunities and the people you work with.

I have always felt, since I joined the company, that we are encouraged to develop our careers through being given new challenges where can realize our potential and continuously progress. I think this help and support is normal within NTT DATA. On the other hand, due to our global footprint, NTT DATA has been very supportive in terms of job mobility when I raised the idea that I would like to move to London.
I should also say that these opportunities are driven by great people with strong values, who have always shown that they care about my professional and personal development. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for more.

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